Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Urban Outfitters: 4 Week Summary Report

Over the past month, Urban Outffiters stock price has gone up signifigantly from November 9th, where it was valued at 33.33$ per stock. Around the 15th, the stock sky-rocketed overnight from 32.735 to 34.26! From there, it started an upward trend, peaking at 38.55 on the 26th, and from then on shows lots of volatility, fluctuating between 37 and 38.
For the huge leap on the 15th, I figured it occured because the release of it's 3rd quarter, which reported a 13th% growth, according to a article. With the URBN stock getting lots of notice now, the stock has managed to stay consistently high.
Recommendations for whether to invest in this company or not, I'd say yes, for the reason that right now it has stayed pretty consistant, with a bit of gain.
You can find all stock information on Urban Outffiters on Google Finance.